
Hubei Dayu Hanguang Vacuum Electric Co.,Ltd.



Category:Embedded poles

Product details

HEPW-24 1250-25-1.jpg    HEPW-24 1250-25-2.jpg

HEPW-24 1250-25-3.jpg

Specifications of Embedded Pole

Main Technical SpecificationUnitSpecification
Rated voltagekV24
Rated currentA16001250
Rated frequencyHZ50/60
Short time power frequency withstand voltage(1min)kV65(79)
Lightning impulse withstand voltagekV125(145)
Rated short circuit breaking currentkA25
Rated peak withstand currentkA63
Rated short circuit making currentkA63
Rated short time withstand currentkA25
Rated duration of short circuitS4
Rated breaking current of single capacitor bankA400
Rated breaking current of back to back capacitor bankA400
Rated operating sequenceO-0.3s-CO180s-CO
Breaking operations of rated short circuit breaking currentTimes20
Rated mechanical enduranceTimes10000
Closing force due to bellow and atmosphereN210±50
Force required to hold contacts open at full strokeN340±50
Circuit resistance at lower limit of rated contact force≤20
Contacts limit erosionmm3
Gas pressure inside vacuum interrupterPa≤1x10?3
Localize dischargePc≤5

Mechanical Data Required for the Matched Vacuum Switchgear

Main Technical SpecificationUnitSpecification
Clearance between open contactsmm13±1
Average opening speedm/s1.4±0.2
Average closing speedm/s0.7±0.2
Rated of contact forceN2500±200
Contact bouncing duration at closing operationms≤2
Out of simultaneity of contact closing and openingms≤2
Maximum rebound during openingmm≤2

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